Friday, February 24, 2023

Art Integration

For years, studies have shown many benefits of integrating the arts into schools. This could include anything from drawing to listening to music to performing theater to creating crafts. Integrating these activities and studies into regular classroom instruction can prove very beneficial. This is because when the arts are combined with common instructional learning, students having a better chance of improving their problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and communication skills. In addition, students will be able to tap into their creativity and imagination once given the opportunity through the use of integrating the arts. With art, students can visual concepts better, engage in more hands-on learning, and become more motivated to learn. It also allows students the opportunity to discover the art and culture they most connect with or are interested in, and it helps them appreciate the world of art.

Students shown working on an arts and crafts assignment.
When growing up in elementary school, I remember always feeling more engaged when we did art activities, learned about historical art, or had some form of art integrated in the core subjects of math, science, history, or reading. In these moments, I felt like the class became a stronger community. Most students loved coming together to do anything related to art. Everyone was more at ease, everyone was friendlier, everyone was more engaged, and everyone simply liked participating. I believe this is a great example of how powerful a tool art can be. It can create a better classroom atmosphere, motivate students to participate in learning, and improve learning skills. Unfortunately, the importance of art in schools has not been on the front horizon. A significant emphasis is put on the standard, core subjects. Although very important, these topics do not encompass all the skills and knowledge important for students to learn. Without art and the culture and skills that accompany it, students are at a loss of much growth and development that would prove beneficial to their learning and life.

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