Thursday, February 16, 2023

Should Mental Health Care be Addressed in Schools?

In schools, the care of students is of utmost importance, which is why the mental health of students needs to be addressed. For years, educating students on mental health care has been neglected, and schools have been lacking in their care towards students' mental health. Making sure students are being cared for emotionally is important because the well-being of students affects all aspects of their lives. Students cannot properly function in school and life if their mental health is not cared for. Educating students on this topic and providing the care they need will prove beneficial not only for their current emotional and academic needs but in the life ahead of them, too.

This student is unmotivated to learn because
of the challenges she faces beyond
 the classroom.
Growing up, students are going to face all kinds of challenges within and outside the classroom. Making sure students know they are cared for throughout these difficulties will help them feel comfortable and safe within the classroom. In addition, actually offering care through services through the school will prove very beneficial because students will be able to address any concerns they have while getting the help they need. Students face troubles at home and in their community and do not always have the proper care for circumstances like these. This is where school can come in and support. But what if your child does not need support for situations like this? Even if a student does not seem to need separate care for their emotional well-being, having awareness of mental health and emotional care will go a long way. Introducing and  informing students on this topic early on will not only make them more empathetic and aware of others around them, but it will give them the information they need in case they eventually face situations where they need separate support for their mental health or need to be more aware of what they are facing.

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